by Becca Agunga | Sep 30, 2022 | AC, Air Conditioner, Central Air, Cooling, Cooling Power, Easy Automation, Loveland, Ohio, Pros and Cons, Temperature, Window Unit
If you can’t decide if you should replace your central air conditioner or get a window air conditioning unit, now is the time to compare the pros and cons of each system. Since it’s already the fall season, you are likely not putting an air conditioner to...
by Becca Agunga | Sep 16, 2022 | Air Filter, Air Purifier, Back-to-school, Blog, Fall, Fall Preparation, HVAC, iWave-R, Loveland, OH, Thermostat, Viruses
It seems like the summer has flown by, and here we are once again starting a new school year. If you have kids in school or college, then you know all too well the busyness the school year brings. The weather is not the only thing that is starting to change. You have...
by Becca Agunga | Sep 2, 2022 | AC, Blog, Ceiling Fan, Cool Air, Cooling, Do's and Don'ts, Energy Costs, Energy Efficient, Loveland, OH, Ohio, Summer
With costs and prices consistently on the rise everywhere, your Loveland Heating & Air service professionals understand how saving money and budgeting, when possible, can make all the difference. That’s something we can always get behind! When it comes to keeping...
by Becca Agunga | Aug 16, 2022 | A/C, Air Conditioner, Air Filter, Blog, Cooling, Loveland, OH, Ohio, Summer, Thermostat, Tips & Tricks
Even with regular upkeep and preventative maintenance, unpredictable situations with your air conditioner can still happen. Power outages can occur. Severe storms can pass through. For this reason, Loveland Heating & Air thinks it’s best to be prepared and...
by Becca Agunga | Aug 5, 2022 | AC, Air Conditioner, Air Filter, Blog, HVAC, Loveland, OH, Ohio, Thermostat
Centralized air is a great basic commodity that many of us are familiar with. We all have air conditioners in our homes and it’s a common habit to switch up our system’s settings on the thermostat daily. It’s normal for us to think of the air conditioning system as...